Things end but memories stay forever...
Life is full of memories,be it good or bad. Some memories make you cry while some make you laugh.
Everything will change, but the memories that we have stored in our heart and mind will always stay with us and will put a smile on our face.
Is it possible to remember everything we came across in our life?
The answer is probably no, that's because every single event that happens in our life is associated with an emotion.
The most important memory for anyone would be his childhood memories, the happy moments, the achievements of life, the moments spend with loved ones.
Everyone of us preserves their memory, be it a photograph or a toy, a pencil or a color box, clothes or stickers, we store things that make us happy remembering those moments.
Memories are bullets. Some whiz by and just spook you. Others tear you open and leave you in pieces.
- Richard Kadrey
It is not necessary that we only store memory that will make us happy, sumtimes in past we get into things that hurt us and will always be there with us throughout our life.
I remember every moment of my life that made me happy, sad and anger. I always thought that life will always remain the same throughout but that's not true, we grow up we enter into the world full of competition where everyday we not only compete with others to prove ourselves better but also with ourselves to be a better version of you.
Now, when I look back, down the memory lane, I miss everything, my school, my college, everything. What I am left with is the beautiful memories that I lived in past.
Memories are always special. Sometimes we laugh by remembering the days we cried, and we cry by remembering the days we laughed!!!! That's Life.
Memories and experience both help us to shape our life. Everyone has some memories and we are in a process of making memories in the present and future..
Stay tuned...
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